Thursday, May 1, 2014

Travel Day

May 1:
I've been up for 30 hrs, and I don't have any pictures. Today was a Traveling day. 9 hrs on a direct flight from Calgary to Frankfort, and 4 hrs from Frankfurt to Trier by train, so I guess its not a road trip yet.
I prayed with Ian and Phil over our first meal on the plane, unfortunately Josh didn't have a seat close to us. Josh Dyckerhoff was on a different flight with his wife Marielle. In the Frankfurt Airport/Train terminal I started to see Ian relax and Phil start to take charge a bit. Its cool to see this happening so quickly in our trip. I hope to learn a lot from each one of these guys over the next three weeks.
First thoughts of Germany: it's very green and beautiful. On the train the four of us were dozing in and out of consiousness as we just had a nine hour flight, but during the moments of coherence, we were able to appreciate the beauty of the country. At times it felt like I was on location for Braveheart, or The Hobbit. There were castles on the hills. It was cool.

We arrived in Trier and found Josh Dyckerhoff and Daniel Linder waiting for us to pick us up. Mr. Linder, was waiting in one of the two cars. We unwound a bit with a walk around a park on a pond with Josh D. and Daniel. I wish these guys could come with us. There is actually so many people I wish were doing the road trip with us.

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